Hilltribe People of Laos
This program is an unusual glimpse into the daily life activities, new years ceremonies, and traditional religious rituals of the Hmong people living in the Bin Vinai refugee camp of Thailand. The program is narrated with historical and cultural background information which offers an inside understanding of the Hmong people of Laos.
The Hmong, who were recruited by the CIA to fight the communist Pathet Lao and North Vietnamese forces during the Vietnam war, fled across the Mekong river into Thailand to avoid persecution by the communist forces that came to power in Laos in the spring of 1975.
"Of all the people that fled Indochina and came to resettle here in the United States, the traditional lifestyle, and cultural heritage, of the hilltribe people of Laos (such as the Hmong and Mien) is the most strikingly different to the urban American culture, values, and lifestyle." Script
"Bon Vinai, often referred to as densely populated Hmong village (60 thousand people), is a remote refugee camp located in northern Thailand." Script
Production Notes
Produced By David Gilbert
48 Minutes Color Video
Grades 4-12 & Adult
Instructional Training Manual with Handouts